
I haven’t been very good with commenting lately, sorry but we have had visitors all week. Bob’s sister Carol and her hubby Graham came on Sunday ( after planning to come on Wednesday- rain caused them to leave early and come to the dry part of the state). They are heading off tomorrow before their son’s wedding on 29th Feb. we are invited’s the same date as my niece’s wedding (isbi’s Daughter). Can’t be at 2 weddings on the same day. While Carol was here I thought I would get a gift ready for them to take back to Sydney where their son lives.

Today I did some shopping for clothes. After losing quite a bit of weight my clothes were literally falling off ( needed safety’s a good problem to have). The tops are XXS and size 10 and pants and skirt are size 10 and 12. I’ve Come down from a size 16-18. So I think the new way of eating has worked thanks to Michael Mosley. Now I need to get rid of all the old stuff and clear the cupboards. Yippee.

Last night I returned to the Physie class which has started up after the long Christmas/ summer break. I’m a bit tired today.

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