Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Tiny Rebel

I went to the doctor's this morning and was given a slightly cryptic all clear, as in "You're probably fine, but if the problem persists for a couple of months, come see me again", so that was partially a relief and partially had me worried that the problem might persist... Work then felt long; I hadn't had a great nights sleep worrying about my appointment, and missing a bit of work in the morning meant I was rather busy. Still, twas productive, so there's that at least. Rich and I met up with Phil after work for a trip to Kilder for Tiny Rebel brewery's 8th birthday bash. I've not been to Kilder before and I rather liked it, though unfortunately the absolutely delicious cheese toastie I had there proved too much for my rather delicate stomach. After small samples of 6 of the 8 birthday brews (my favourite being a fruity gose), we popped to Tilt but my stomach gave up on life and I felt like total crap. I was really annoyed too because I'd bought a really lovely Left Handed Giant raspberry and rhubarb sour that I could barely finish a third of...  

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