Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Chocks away!

We usually have a wonderful display of amaryllis plants around and just after Christmas. I tend them all summer, feeding and watering, then I rest them from early autumn for a few weeks. They are usually re-potted by November to start the cycle again.

In 2019 they were tended all summer and rested, but they were not re-potted until yesterday. I was dubious as to whether any would have survived this neglect.

Look at the first one to sprout! The flowers may not be as good, but it looks as though they are all still with us.

Storm Dennis has just arrived this afternoon, with high winds and some rain, but not too bad yet. I will collect Eva, Mum's carer for next week, from the train at 1715 and hope her journey from Eastbourne has been comfortable.

I have spent ages looking for the small connection from the remote release to the camera. I have dozens of connections but this one has disappeared. In desperation I contacted Wex and a replacement is winging its way here as I write. Phew!

I bet the connection turns up now.

Conversely, I've been searching for a book that was loaned to me when I had my knee op. I have spent a lot of time looking and could not imagine where it had gone. I decided to buy a replacement. Fortunately, there was more than one possible book, so I asked my friend, M, which one I should order. Guess what? The book is on her shelf. I had already returned it.


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