The weather this morning was surprisingly calm - and dry.  However later in the day the wind got up again and its a bit of a wild night. 

Neil and Rachael have been to Edinburgh for the weekend ( a Valentines treat ) and thankfully all their travel went well. - and they had a great time.

I stayed indoors today as I had some chores to get on with.... mainly making something to take to Slimming Club tomorrow.  Its Taster Night for " Free Food February ".  We have to take something syn free or low syn.  I made some curry muffins - see Extra.  (  2 syns for 24 ) I usually take both sweet and savoury items but my sweet things didn't work out today so I'm just going to take some of the little shop bought cookies in my blip shot.  They are Mini Maryland Choc Chip cookies.  Very tiny - but nice.  Only 1 syn each. Mind you its hard to stick at just one.

Musical link -  Who Stole the COOKIE From The Cookie Jar - by The Jaynetts

While I was in the kitchen cooking I listened to the match on the radio.  Newcastle were playing away at Arsenal.  First half went well.  Newcastle were playing OK and at half time the score was 0 - O.  So far so good.  But then it all fell apart.  Final Score Arsenal 4 Newcastle 0 Disappointing result to say the least.

Steps today - 4,144

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