Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

I'm Home Again!

Here I am on the back porch looking for some squirrels to appreciate. My moms told me it's Squirrel Appreciation Day - I'm not sure what that means, but I think chasing and barking at them counts, doesn't it? I wonder what a lert is. Mom says I'm a lert. Do I look like a lert to you?

I've been at my godmother dogmother Emma's all weekend, my moms were in Olympia celebrating (or appreciating?) Grandpa. Mom said he isn't in his chair anymore and showed me a picture of the bear that's in the chair now. Well, we'll have to see about that next time we visit. I had fun at Emma's, she took me for walks and we snuggled a lot. I think Mom was disappointed that I didn't get all excited when they picked me up! It's kind of old hat now.

I've been away from the yard - my territory! - for three days, so I had to go check out every corner, and then I settled down in the sun! It's even warm enough to stay outside for a while!

I'm glad we're all home, now things can get back to normal.

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