
By sas05

slippery slope downwards

took the girls sledging after school. think by the picture thats quite evident, got back home just as the snow falls once again,, can feel a snow day tomorrow as far as school goes.
So lets have a think and a re-cap of the day... as always starts on the school run, and a prize bit of blanking by one of the mums who has a bee in her bonnet bout something or other... this got me thinking ,, so i threw the subject over to the wider community of nutters on faceache... sure enough,, tongue in cheek, i went fishing and sure enough me mate from bolton bit.. aint had the crac and banter for ages ,the exchanges were very amusing.. now forgive fully qualified at blanking so have to blank everyone....

ok that didnt last long, as you can tell i regard this blanking lark as pretty infantile stuff but to each their own poison.. as for the rest of the peeps at the school run were sparkling , they are such an amusing group... should add note to self here.... when bladder gives you the three minute warning and your a 6 minute walk from home its sometimes best not to ignore that warning .
so what else.... got home flogged the drum kits to within an inch of their life.. getting to grips with them now.. really havnt done much productive stuff other than just relax, bath in the glory of the fact that i aint at work and generally just ccccccchill, which lets face it , isnt hard to do in this weather.
Really looking forward to friday and seeing the fleetwood bac, saw them last year and they are truly brilliant.. have asked their keyboard player and vocalist alice to do a dedication for me....hoping she does..

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