SeaFall, part 1

This game will be very hard to tell about, because it’s quite complicated to explain.
As all prologue characters were out of the game, we had to chose new ones to replace their ancesters. As last time we (typically) chose all male characters, we now had to take the remaining female ones (except for Kobe, who was not there last time and took the last remaining male one). We ended up with Soraya Bakhtiari for Hannes, Li for me, Erszebet for Tarek, Beatrice for Leander, and James for Kobe.
The game started very slow, because we had forgotten all the rules, but after some time we got the hang of it.
I’ll Triton explain a bit more in the next few games, but overall I’m not sure if it’s as good as the previous ones, it’s also the first not ented on an existing game, so no known rules or expectations.
In the end I won with a very narrow margin.
All got some extra’s in the game :
- James the Glorius : can use anycolor of goods to discount on buying treasures
- Beatrice theAdventurous : when hiring the explorers guild, can pay 2 gold to use all three actions
- Erszebet the Persuasive : an extra reputation point each winter
- Soraya Bakhtiri the Industrious : when hiring the builders guild, can pay 2 gold to use all three actions
- Li the Efficient : when buying a structure, can use any color of good to discount, +1 reputation, +1 defense on the harbour
Next game is in two weeks, so that one will be much quicker

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