Snow Day At Work

I love this part of my parents' new garden but it's especially lovely in the snow. From up in my office it looks even more Narnia-like as they are adjoining the grounds of a tudor mansion which has a large wooded area, today I spotted a fox meandering through their trees. Luckily he didn't come through the fence and deposit a treat for Stella to find!

Speaking of whom, you may think snow is just snow, but, no. After being thoroughly appalled at the white stuff in her garden she loved the snow at Granny's house! I had to have a skive so she could do some extra frolicking, it was a joy to see her running around like all the dogs I keep seeing on here and Facebook and Twitter and not cowering indoors like she was yesterday!

We'll put some photos on the blog tomorrow for Woof Wednesday, it's like a different dog home and away!

So a pretty good day except she had an upset tummy again but that may be down to the excitement.

I got home to 2 letters from my doctor. One to say he's retiring soon but they have no replacement yet; the other to say that the tests I had at my health check last week all came back normal which is a good job seeing as it's going to be difficult to see a GP for the forseeable future!

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