Friday Foto

By drmackem

Slip Slidin'

The miseducation of....(playlist) 
A Photo
Big Nose Sonny says hello
A Muse
I don’t know who was the most delighted to see the snow when we went out for our morning run on t'moor, me or the dogs. 
Actually, that's not true, I do know – nothing compares to the joy of these dogs in the snow, and they remind me that this is play.
We all tumbled and fell around a bit, as it was slushy and slippy in parts and we were frolicking a bit, but the landings were mercifully soft.

Met up with G for coffee in town, G is my big boss in my job in the city. We’ve known each other for decades. We’d sit next to each other in district meetings and chunter. 
We now for a season work together and chunter less, there’s a lot of respect shared, we inspire each other and we’ve got each others backs in the right way. She hasn’t got a big nose.
A Tune
Slip Slidin' Away - Paul Simon
God only knows
God makes his plan
The information's unavailable
To the mortal man
We work our jobs
Collect our pay
Believe we're gliding down the highway
When in fact we're slip slidin' away

Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away

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