Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

The Parallel Roads of Glen Roy

Did some video editing for Mick, who seemed better this morning, then we headed out with Suki for a walk. Met Kathy on the drive - she'd been sent home from work. Mick, still not right, turned back early, but I continued on to the Glen Roy Viewpoint for today's photo. Further information here.

Kath had it in her mind that Mick actually could have pneumonia. She'd had it described to her what to listen for and with a borrowed stethoscope thought that was what she heard. Checking on me, I sounded normal, so the two of them headed off to A&E. Mick describes Kathy as punching the air in delight when the doctor confirmed it was pneumonia. Kath of course states it was the joy of her diagnosis being correct and not that Mick had pneumonia. Anyway a double dose of intravenous drugs and assorted packets of drugs and he's back home.

On a less dramatic note, RCB found a nice Dunnock in Mick and Kathy's Garden.

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