Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Searching For Sustenance

For today's mono Monday theme of 'looking down' I chose to post this pair of Gambel's quail looking down for food among my yard's stones (I have no grass).  It's the male digging deep while the missus adoringly looks on.  It's not like he's going to share any birdseed he finds with her but you can feel the love!
Huge thanks to 60plus for stepping in at the last minute to host this month.
I changed up my Monday routine a little.  Instead of going to breakfast, I picked up the bagels to bring to the Singles Club meeting, visited for a while there then scampered off to get a much needed haircut.  Before therapy I stopped for an egg salad sandwich at the cafe and ordered groceries while I was eating.  I kept thinking I was forgetting to order something.  Turned out to be staring me in the face: eggs.  Forgot 'em.  Oh, well.

This evening my cousin's wife texted me to tell me that he was admitted to the hospital with heart problems.  I called her right away. It has to be hard for her to be home alone.  The wildfires in California last year made her sick.  On top of the respiratory problems from the thick smoke she also developed vertigo.

Emilio and I are the same age and were both music majors at the same college.  He went on to be quite successful in the field (cutting jazz albums, working as a studio musician and arranger, playing keyboards/arranging for legends such as Peggy Lee). He also acts and is producing a series they hope to sell. 
I'll call Ellen tomorrow to see how he's doing.  They're going to shock his heart at 8 am PT to try to get it back in rhythm.
Think good thoughts.

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