McCaig's View

Woke up to a light covering of gritty snow this morning which I hadn't bargained for, and wondered if I would be able to get down the drive without sliding - see extra. I went out in plenty of time to get the car de-snowed as I had a meeting with the Amenities Officer at the Council and didn't want to be late. 

All was well however and the slope wasn't particularly slippery. Had a good chat with the AO about a number of ideas for Keep Oban Beautiful. I was rather amused to hear that he had been a police officer in his extreme youth - nothing funny about that, you may say, until you hear that his surname is Crooks! Even worse than a local police officer I knew in my early Arduaine days whose surname was Law! I went on to have another discussion with one of our KOB committee members about projects and how we might get more people involved. Another gritty snowstorm just as I was about to get out of the car! 

After lunch the sun came out and I had a quick walk up to McCaig's Tower. It was very cold and windy up there but the mountains of Mull were looking good under the clouds, so I took a few pictures, had a look around to find the more sheltered spots for some possible replanting and came home to get warm!

Quote of the day:

Brian Keenan and John McCarthy, 'Between Extremes' - "Sometimes a cloud moves over the valley casting its shadow, almost like the thoughts of a god."

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