
By snailspace


I had a delivery of herbs and spices etc. today. Here's some of them, the ones that I could find jars for. (The full delivery is in Extra Photos)

It was a bit of a triumph finding this online vendor. I was able to purchase several things that I have been unable to source hitherto.

What are those, you may well enquire. Weeeelll - Curry leaves, for one, Sumac, real Wasabi Paste (no horseradish), Kalonji seeds, and proper Ceylon cinnamon sticks - and more.

I also bought some useful items such as dehydrated ceps and shallots, a fascinating curry blend for Breton Curry (it contains seaweed. No, Really!) and chilli flakes (so hard to find even  the ordinary red ones around here) in new varieties (Green Jalapeno and Chipotle)

I shall be cooking up a storm.

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