The words remain

About five weeks ago, I saw this; it had not been up long by its appearance then. That day I chose a different one of these posters for my blip. I haven't been back along that street since then, mainly because I had more than three weeks at the beach with family.

Today, I chose to run in the cool heat of the evening after finishing work. This route seemed a likely way to find a Local Thought to add to the 21 in the series so far.

I hadn't expected such an assault on them as I saw. There were many which were quite unreadable, and others where the message can only be guessed at. One or two have been both torn and written on. This one is stuck to a grimy wall in an alleyway off Dominion Road, and intriguingly the defacement is of the wee man not the message.

And it's a good message to have persisting.

Late Addition: Quietly sitting inside with the iPad and looking at journals on blipfoto, when I glanced out the glass doors onto the deck and saw that the clouds in the west were a bright red. Got the Pentax and took a couple of pics and have put the better on my blipfolio. Well worth a look.

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