a brand new day

By jazzy

2 years

My wife and I have been married for 694 days. Our second wedding anniversary is not too far away, but this weekend marks 2 years since my wife had surgery for breast cancer. I apologise if some may find the picture offensive, you shouldn't, this happens to people from all ages and walks of life every day, It needs people to be open and talk about it and for it to no longer be taboo to talk about it. So even if this gets one person to check themselves or get someone to do it for you then the blip is a success.
We bought ourselves a second hand camera just before Christmas, and, to say I don't put it down is an understatement. I love it, my wife must go daft as it now goes everywhere with us, she's so patient as most pictures are of her. She takes a wonderful picture, very photogenic. Anyway, we were away to Dundee for the night and out of all the street photos, candid photos I did, this one seems so poignant. She said today I'm her rock and she couldn't have done it without me, that my love is a 2 way street.

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