After another delicious breakfast in our favourite hotel so far...we were collected by our driver (Gusti) to go to our final hotel.
Because of the horrendous rain yesterday we missed one tourist attraction so today he gave us the opportunity to visit. Even though it added 2+hours onto the journey and a 2 hour wait for this....# I think it was worth it.
It’s called Heaven’s Gate at Lempuyang Temple.....the views were outstanding...I might hijack The Revs journal again!!!

We then went to a traditional village in the hills (a bit of a tourist trap to be honest) but interesting....and then to a Salt Maker...what a hard job...we bought some bags of salt and I hadn’t got the heart to bargain!!!

We arrived at hotel 4 at about 5. Unfortunately our garden “room “ was nice but the garden bit was awful and the view to a corrugated metal wall was not good. So we paid a bit more for a pool room. It was only £14/ night extra well worth it...good decision made. But usually being British we say “thank you that’s fine...then moan it ourselves:)))

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