Snowy Snowy

Here is Snowy in the snow with all his latest upgrades. The most visible is the new basket. Its not as big as the old one, which seem to be quite hard to get, but it doesn't have huge holes in the bottom. Also Mr PB replaced the headset and fitted my new computer. Only 3 weeks into the new year and already major work done. As I have a hub brake and dynamo it was quite a big job to dismantle it all and then reassemble with the new parts.

Great day at school, we spent the whole day in the local museum learning more about World War 2. We went in the air raid shelter underneath the museum which was very exciting especially when they turned the lights off. In the afternoon we had a small tour of the city centre and told about which buildings were bombed and various other stories. All very interesting but it was a bit cold to be standing around.

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