Settling Down

Isaiah 30v15 is today's Lent verse:

God, the Master, The Holy of Israel,
    has this solemn counsel:
“Your salvation requires you to turn back to me
    and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves.
Your strength will come from settling down
    in complete dependence on me—
The very thing
    you’ve been unwilling to do."

Settling down for our afternoon nap, much needed after a bad night for me. I've pulled a chest muscle, trying to yank out a big weed, and it's so painful, especially turning in bed. At least it's not a heart attack, like I thought at first. 

- not having to go to Reguengos; Mike getting everything; being able to stay home alone instead, and study for our group tomorrow
- him managing to get a fresh supply of sawdust for our composting toilet
- walk through beauty into post office, to find a gorgeous thank-you card from our last visitors, and some good chats with different folk on way back

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