Watch the birdie

The snow that we have left is melting, it can't make up it's mind if it's snowing or raining and the wind is freezing cold. So if you are looking for me I will be next to my fire. We had a delivery of sheep feed today. I suppose if the snow is covering the grass they need to eat something but there were loads of bags. I couldn't quite believe how much. I went for a walk with the back up Human this afternoon. I tried to walk really slowly so that I wouldn't get splashed and to keep my feet clean but it didn't work as they still washed my feet on my return.

The blip is of a buzzard sitting in a bush digesting it's lunch. The back up Human was all excited as she has been trying for ages to get a good photo of one of these birds but they normally just fly off. As usual she has persevered and it has payed off, she can be determined sometimes, a bit like me at times, Luv Ginnie Xx

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