Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


And creating a massive dust storm!!

I must have a strong connection to the pecan grove having blipped it just a couple of days ago in it's bare winter form.

Today, I saw the beginning of the tilling of the fields with monster machines. On my drive home from Tucson, I saw the sign, "Warning Blowing Dust Ahead". That told me a couple of things.
1. I may have to suddenly slow down.
2. I had to roll up my windows and close my moonroof as quickly as I could.

Sure enough, the road was dark with dust as seversl large plows tilling the dirt along the sides of the rows of trees. I didn't touch up this photo so you could get the 'real experience'. Imagine that cloud being gently blown over and above the adjacent two lane road.

They are being prepared for their big Spring irrigation. They are flooded with water for 21 days in the spring and fall and ten days in the summer. So in early March, the orchards are irrigated, just before "bud break," when new leaves begin to bud from trees that are just beginning to reawaken from winter dormancy.

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