Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

In the studio

As I promised myself, I spent most of the day in the was was also MUCH too COLD and WINDY to go any farther.     Yes the Sat afternoon at the opera show went on…with the recorded version of Wagner’s Flying Dutchman from tuesday night instead of live from today, the opera house having shut down on Thursday.   (the Met is the largest perfomance venue in this country…they will lose 8-12 million dollars in revenue by the end of march. and who's donating? when people need food and so much more.     But they are offering free streaming operas each night starting monday. The Seattle symphony is doing similar……. )  I do love that music…it’s an opera I used on one of the doors I painted when we built this place….the theme being “water and opera…” in the extra.(with weird shadows when I took it now).   

So I spent some time organizing photos and then typed up the story so far that Fona’s been writing that we are going to make into a book. Ha d to learn a bit about pages...Many chuckles from me along the way!)   I just don’t know how the kids are going to keep up in school til April 24!  Or when we will get to work on it together.    H brought me an espresso..we are rationing our remaining more espresso, less latte.   So far so good. Also did one of my PS lessons, but it needs more work....Maybe tomorrow...

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