Heavy sky (Day 1774)

Talisker used his extra large schnozzle to poke me awake at 630 this morning. Thinking he needed out u headed downstairs, where I realised he hadn't followed. He was back in his bed and fast asleep. I returned to bed, but sleep eluded me. At 8 I got up and took the dogs up the hill. The light rain was barely noticeable and there wasn't a breath of wind.
Later,  my beautiful wife and I took the dogs across to the yard and they "hunted" mice in the grass while HV and I put up a temporary fence. With the horses sorted out, we had a wander along the shore. The sky threatened rain and the wind re-apoeared.
Back home for lunch and when HV zoomed off to work, I spent a while in the garage sorting through my scrap pile. I must get rid of it soon

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