
By Hillyblips

Am I bothered?

Not entirely what I had planned for my 200th blip - but then again, never planned on doing 200 blips so amazing!

Simply put: - Thank you to everyone who is now reading this! Thank you to those people who have commented, starred and hearted the photos over the last 200! Staggering and very touching too. No way would I be taking any of the images I have without the urgency of having to 'blipit' and without the support of many who, far more knowledgeable, have given encouragement all along the way!! Thank you too for the input I have had from many of your journals which have not just had extraordinary images but great write-ups, being educational, fascinating and fun! Let's keep the fun factor!

On my walk this afternoon, which I could easily have missed up in a tree was this heron - not 200 of them I know but it's not often you get so close in the wild :)) My stealth tactics ARE improving or maybe it was feeling ill! Just not bothered at all when I knew it had seen me or maybe it was cold like I was. Not what I meant to blip today but hey!

So am I bothered? Yes - I love blip and the community but this guy here just didn't give a damn!

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