
More like perusing actually.
Been in the garden while Nick was here  ( sat two metres away from Mr P, hands sanitised ) and realised l will be ordering more plants and seeds online this year instead of visiting nurseries and garden centres.
By chance the latest Sarah Raven catalogue came in today’s post so l’m just having a cuppa and envisioning the beautiful garden l could have this summer if l spend a fortune.
In reality l will select half a dozen new items to fit my purse.

Carrying on from yesterday l have spoken to four of my support team : hospice, GP, Care Manager and district nurse.
They all agree with what l want to put in place to deal with the need for us to self isolate and still keep Mr P safe and comfortable.
Have reduced the number of care visits to two instead of four per day and only have one carer per visit instead of two and l will work alongside them.
I’m stopping the sitting service that gave me a few hours each week to go shopping, visit the hairdresser or to the gym etc.
Telephone consultations with the GP and district nurse instead of visits but they will come out if needed.
Hardest part is reducing the number of times family and friends will visit but it needs to be done.
We are trying to to get the right balance 
Thank you to all the Blippers who have sent me ideas for alternatives for hand sanitisers and a big thank you to HeidiandDolly for generously offering to post me their own bottle of hand sanitiser.
It just reaffirms what we already know about our caring community- its the best!

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