If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Drumstick Primula (Primula denticulata)

A fine day at last!  So we set out to start to clear up the ravages created in the garden by storms Ciera,Dennis and Joge there was also the very overgrown Buddleia to cut back.  Probably not the right time of the year but it has always survived before.  Killing two birds with one stone we took the recycling and a trailer full of "brashings" to the tip recycling centre.

The other day I watched a gardening programme with Charlie Dimmock, who they seem to have found in a cupboard somewhere, blown the dust off and set her to work.  Anyway she was enthusing about the gaps that had been left between the paving for plants to self seed into.  Well we didn't deliberately leave space for plants to grow, but this primula has self seeded.  Strangely it is the only one anywhere near flowering, the others are barely showing buds.

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