Wave a magic wand

If only it were that simple.

Today we are looking after the girls. It will be the last Wednesday childminding for the foreseeable. The wand was part of a complicated game I played with the four year old in her bedroom. I'd already taken the baby sister and Flora out for a walk. I did my usual circuit when I'm at the girls' house and hardly met a soul. The people I did see all looked furtive. Maybe I was the same, even though we were the requisite social distance apart. No-one spoke, even to say good morning.

The girls' mum will be working from home soon. Their dad, who works for a local authority, anticipates redeployment to a critical service. Schools and nurseries are still open, but for how long we don't know.

Meanwhile back at home we're still working to set up the good neighbours scheme. There are lots of offers of help but they need to be coordinated.

I'm going to miss the girls so much. But of course I want everyone to stay safe and well.

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