
I am still quite slow in getting back into productivity.
Spending too much time reading the news and updates.
I went for a walk and a look whats happening locally.

Sara who was away for a few days had open.
The shop looked clinically clean and she had taken a lot of measures to keep people safe:

* nothing on the tables such as sugar, menus etc
* immaculately clean tables, wiped between guests
* no cash payments
* hand sanitiser for all
* no reusable cups
* people advised at tables to keep the necessary distance
* limited number of guests

I was so impressed, after what I saw at the neighbour café on Monday!!
I had a coffee then went for a wee walk up and down the street.

A few places I usually do not visit seemed ignorant to the situation still.
Comet Pieces was shut.

Neil had written a long email to his boss. I read it and am incredible proud of him to stand up for the staff and against the ignorance and irresponsibility of the company owner.
It was not well received and not appreciated though!
This is a normal human reaction, after being attacked.
I hope that it will sink in over night and correct measures will be taken quickly.

I had a life workshop at 3 pm via the "Action Takers" Group. It was good.

From tomorrow onwards, I will get my shit together again, and use the gained time to get shit done.

Neil is on the way home already.

Blipping Sara's notice.

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