
I woke up with a heavy head and no energy. It feels like my brain is worn out from constantly processing information in the background, modelling scenarios, trying to dampen anxiety, dealing with the moral distress of every decision. That background activity is hogging all my available CPU, leaving nothing left for anything else, making it impossible to concentrate. I'm distracted all the time, dropping things, breaking things.

Forrest suggested going for a run over to Dick Hudson's and back, not stopping for a pint, of course. The moor is drying out in places, but still boggier than I've ever known it in others. I have to admit that the thought of getting out didn't instantly appeal, but I now feel much better for doing so. I feel very lucky in still being able to indulge my passions. I'm not sure how I'd cope if I couldn't.

I intend to go offline for the next 24 hours to see if that helps the stress levels. I yearn to be creative.

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