Yea!! Solitary Bee Time

Yes spring is springing !!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~
Feeling low horrible state of affairs for everyone around the world~~~~~~~~~Then you walk through your front door and on the mat is a stiff envelope with a red flash across it. Urgent!!!! Live Creatures Handle with care.
And immediately my mood rises to the top and my cup fills to the brim .
the beginning has started .
Last year I became Guardian of the Bees. and had  received my first batch I think 20, to look after and watch hatch then fly to find a suitable mate,then the fun begins the Females come back to where they were born  prepare the cardboard tube you see in the picture block the back of the tube with mud then start to lay her eggs.each egg has it's own section and is sealed in she puts pollen in with the egg so the grub eats grows and pupates making  silken cocoon to get them through the winter and when spring arrives they break out of their cell , all the males are born first so they are ready for when the females hatch then they chase around the garden feeding then she starts to make a tube her own I watched last year, she takes a great deal of time checking out each tube before she chooses the perfect tube for her eggs and she will go back and forth till the tube is completely full.
Then she will start all over again. 
in the main picture you can see my solitary bee houses you can see where last years cocoons are sealed in quite a fair effort with all the weather we have had since September.
There is always something good everywhere you just have to look and watch, I am often late for something looking at their world fascinating 
In extras you can see the hatching box and the cocoons.
keep well and safe my Blippers.

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