Jump in, the water's warm.

It was drizzly this morning, but cleared by afternoon. This sparrow was bathing in the drizzle, quite happily.

We went out later this afternoon, I stayed in the car, T went into the shops. Some wine for her and Guinness for me. That shop was fairly well stocked, but the grocery shop was not. Basically, I wanted a head of cauliflower for a curry recipe I found, there was none to be found. I'll do without or we'll go out a bit earlier tomorrow. Trader Joe's has a safe and sensible plan so the tiny shop isn't jammed, maybe we'll go there, or not. 

I have a feeling we will all be on lock down soon like California and honestly we should be to flatten the curve. If only we had a president...

Please stay safe and healthy.

For the Record, 
This day came in with a warm drizzle.

All hands very wary.

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