From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

For blip's sake...

Have been feeling a bit lame recently with my photos, particularly when compared to some of the stunning ones on here, so was determined to make more of an effort today. We're always in a rush to get to pre-school on Fridays, because we go to playgroup first, so today I thought I'd just plan to drive down, which also meant I could return a borrowed pushchair, and take a detour via the "pretty view" from the edge of the village to come home. Perfect plan. Only problem? I forgot to take my camera with me! Good job I had my phone in my pocket... So this is still a bit lame, really, but the thought was there. I had to use the zoom because otherwise the roadside hedge got in the way, which means it's a bit fuzzier than I would have liked... Curses!

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