George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

Cliche ...

... but it seems there can only be one winner!  And it's me, it's me, it's me. (That is me, George), and we was having ever such big tugs of war and sometimes it was a three-way thing with her, and the blond one and me.  And I always won, on account of I'm bigger and stronger than everyone else.

Hey, do you know what?  We isn't sure what's happening in the outside world but all of a sudden HIM and HER aren't going out.  No, not at all.  We does get taken for a walk every evening, but if we sees someone else (which is pretty rare) we does cross over to the other side of the road, and wave to each other from a distance.

It's really nice, because there's lots more time for THEM to play with US, and we've played ball, and tug-of-war and ever so much more.

We don't understand it, but we isn't complaining, even if we isn't allowed to dig up seeds what have been planted.

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