Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Confined to the house II

With Lock Down for the whole of Greece, we're at home and what else to blip but from home?! 
I sat on the terras behind the house reading Stephen Fry's book "Mythos" (about the Greek Mythology, really a read I can recommend you all! ) and heard the news from the tele loud in this street... As if the Present was contesting with the stories from the Past :-)
Today's news came to me from the various houses in this little street and mostly from the open window here in the corner of this blip. 

This little street is  next to Sweetheart's house and is not even 2 meters wide; a one way direction this street is (coming on to us in this picture). It's used as a Shortcut and to my surprise normally has traffic all day long untill after midnight... it's not easy to drive as it's narrow and steep upwards! I do drive it, but prefer not to.

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