shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

At last!

Yes, proper snow at least. Not in Glasgow, but in Stirling. I took some shots on the ways to and from work, including a number at Stirling station. I especially love the snowflakes in motion here, how the rushing train pulls them into spinning and dancing. I took a good few other shots, too, still going through them.

I have a new flatmate, who seems lovely, an Italian girl in Scotland to improve her English. It will be strange to have someone else actually living in the flat, after the last two not really doing that! A quiet evening to catch up on blips, church documentation and a whole variety of other things. Please do look back from Tuesday the 22nd if you have the time and inclination. Yesterday's is my favourite shot of the back blips I think, though should probably have been posted today! And have a great weekend, I plan to do just that - starting with a very early night. Ah, living it up!

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