Abstract Thursday: Sixth Blipperversary!

Blip tells me that today is my 6th blipperversary! Well I think that includes a few “pre-blips” which I backblipped soon after I joined blipfoto but I’m not going to argue. And since the day I joined I’ve not missed a day – although I admit to a few near misses.
Where did those years go? Like many blippers, when I started I thought I’d give it a go for a year…then another year…and another…and now I’m hooked! Blip is such a wonderful, supportive and friendly community. I don’t have enough fingers and toes (be assured that I have the usual complement of 20) to count all the lovely folk I’ve met in person, but thank you to all my blip friends whether I’ve met you  in person or just on-line.
Blip is even more valuable than ever as folks all over the world struggle with the Coronavirus epidemic, with its fears and isolations. So thanks so much to Joe Tree who set the ball rolling and to our super blip directors who now keep the show on the road. And thanks as always to John Gravett for setting me off on this somewhat crazy but fun activity. (And I couldn't keep up my blipping without the help and support of my lovely Editor!)
Why the “Abstract Thursday” tag? Well Ingeborg, who does a fab job hosting Abstract Thursday, has set this week’s challenge of “Inside”. I thought I’d try to combine an abstract with my celebration. So you have an abstracted version of pages inside the “Now we are Six” book for AT, but I’ve taken the liberty of superimposing a photo of the front cover too.

It's ages since I last read "Now we are Six". I've had fun today reading the poems again :-))

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