
These boys have been keeping me well entertained during the "lockdown" (not so strictly enforced as in the UK here in Japan.) Two episodes of Captain Scarlet each day. Knockout. I've been surprised at the interesting narrative structure of this series. Rather than being simple "stand-alone" episodes, there is also a parallel story which is building up as the series progresses; what has now come to be popularly known as the "mythology arc," first popularised (I believe) by The X-Files. A rather sophisticated structure for what is, at heart, a children's puppet show. It clearly illustrates how Gerry Anderson continuously strove to push the limits of the medium.

Today I managed to finish reading Moby Dick. Third time lucky as I have given up on it twice in the past. I am now going to treat myself to viewing Gregory Peck's film version which I have never seen before. I am sure it will be great.

Captain Scarlet

Spectrum is green.

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