
My day provided no opportunities to find flowers to photograph, so I turned to a book I've had for many years to find something lively.  It's a collection of all kinds of images intended to provide inspiration for needlepoint.  This particular image is of a design for a costume for a Russian dancer in a ballet.

The cleaners did come today, so I now have a clean and fresh home.  They did some rearranging of my setup in the bathroom, but it is easily fixed.  Then I decided to get started on making beef barley soup, but got so tired that I just cut the vegetables and the meat, browned the meat, and put it all back into the fridge to cook tomorrow.  I definitely have to pace myself when cooking, as the process wears me out.

Following up on an earlier blip, I discovered that the reason that my insurance won't cover my insulin is that Medicare just doesn't cover insulin, for anyone.  I don't know why that is, but it puts those of us who need it in real financial pain.  A month's supply of the insulin I take is $433.  With a coupon from Good Rx I can get it for $344, but even that will be a struggle.  The American Diabetes Association has been trying for years to get Congress to set some reasonable copay cap on insulin, but with no luck so far.

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