
By tookie

My 71st pandemic zoom birthday

What a joyous birthday I’ve had for being shut in during this pandemic!!!  This is a collage of my zoom party shared virtually with my Portland family! We had a fun time and here Z and M are wearing their new onesies —-Z in his constellation one and M her rainbow unicorn onesie.  They sang happy birthday and they helped me blow out my candles.
     The day began very early with a video sent to me at 3 am from my niece in Wales!  Then a singing video from my Ohio brother and birthday texts from my Michigan and then my California brother. And texts from blipper skip in Ohio and ft messages from so many. A lovely card from nature lover and connections as on and on. I thank you all and love you all.  My dil and son sent goodies that were incredibly delicious for our breakfast and lunch. An Ohio friend sent a cake !  Chicolateystrawberries!  I’m very blessed and I am filled with thanks!!!
   extra another collage of goodies and our zooming

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