Life's tangled skein

By atp


Sometimes, things go to plan. Other times, not so much...

Today's plan was busy, but straightforward. I would do Parkrun, Marie would take Cameron to his archery, I would take Jenni to skating and we would all meet up in Stirling.

Well, I work up, looked out the window and shivered. It was cold and icy and I didn't want to do Parkrun. So I stayed in bed until it was time for Marie to take Cameron out. So Jenni and I would go to skating, she would skate and I would go for a run. And since this was at Stirling, I would take my phone (which I would be using to log my route, anyway), and snap off a couple of quick pictures of Stirling Bridge for my photo of the day.

On the road to Stirling, I realised that the Blutooth light on my car wasn't lit. I had left my phone behind. Aargh!

I went on the run anyway, and didn't get the picture of Stirling Bridge. Instead, I tried to look for something to snap afterwards, using my Tablet.

This is the result. It's a studio in The Peak sports centre, and I have to say that these rows of exercise bikes are pretty impressive. I guess they must use them for Spin classes.

The tiny amount of editing that has been done on this picture was done in Photoshop Touch. It has a user interface that I am struggling to get used to, but I struggled with the real Photoshop for a long time, so that's okay.

Hopefully I'll be a little more organised tomorrow.

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