
By HareBrain


My first sight of lambs this year, a whole field of them. Mr. T and I were driving back from the flying field when I asked him to stop -" Oh no, not again" says he, he did stop, bless him, but by the time I had got out of the car and poised for action the sheep and lambs had taken fright and once one was on the move, they all followed. Once they got used to me though they did start to come back to investigate but too late as Mr. T was getting anxious lest cars came round the corner in this narrow lane and found him in the way, so this was the best shot worth showing. But I know where they are now so plan a return visit on my own for another look sometime.

We had a new fall of snow in the night but by mid afternoon the temperature had soared to the dizzy heights of 3 degrees and the thaw is well on its way.

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