
Just back from a walk Jess suddenly got pretty frantic, writhing and scrabbling at her face.  I couldn't work out exactly when she did it, but she had managed to get a piece of stick (about 1 cm diameter) wedged in her mouth, between her back teeth.  I don't throw sticks for the dogs but they will chew any that they find.  I ran to get M, then held tight and still whilst he tried to remove it.  Couldn't do it with just his fingers so got some pliers and eventually managed to work the stick out.  Felt so relieved and then just wanted to cry and cry - I didn't but suppose it just shows the effect that ongoing anxiety about what is happening across the globe does to you.  Back to my breathing man.

Other news - the queue to shop at the Co-op (a small supermarket so only a few people allowed in at a time) is taking 1.5 to 2 hours especially in the day time.  Not complaining, just describing.  I did a shop for someone who can't go out - left it till about 7pm and managed to get in before it closed, though only found about 70% on K's list.

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