Day 12 - Small radius

After the 5 day challenge and the bottle of Prosecco last night I had a lie in.
Spent too much time faffing with my linkedin for another story post. Then Had a quite long video call with one of Helen's ambassadors.
I was already sold on the course, but it was nice to chat with Elsewine.

We had a very late brunch before we went out for a wee walk to Waitrose and did mainly shopping for Alison.
Flour is still unavailable! 
Where have all the flours gone???

We delivered the shipping at Alisons door. She was all dressed up, preparing for a date night with her boyfriend 60 miles away .... 
Cooking dinner together via Skype - how cool is that?

Back home we continued faffing in each of our rooms before we met on the couch for the last episode of the Witcher.

Blipping the view on the The Botanics again.

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