Bee Ware

From the 6° at 7am when I took my bike out for it’s Sunday circuit of the Meadows until I returned from a trawl of the streets at 3pm with a 2 metre distant friend, the temperature had risen to a heady 18°. This required the removal of 2 layers of clothing. I might have been tempted to sit outside had there not been quite a cooling breeze ruffling my feathers.

Ewan and Nina in Glasgow have been writing daily diaries ( I don’t suppose that will last now that the old Easter Holidays have started) and I liked Ewan’s bee from yesterday.

Most people in the Meadows today are adhering to the no sitting down or congregating in large numbers instruction. I’m horrified when I see people driving to beauty spots or massing in London parks after all that has been said. The youngsters involved have obviously never had to think of others and now they can’t register the fact that they do now have to think of the nurses manning the wards in the hospitals. I hope the Queen gets through to them with her address to the nation tonight, but I’m not holding my breath.

My extra is what happens when your big sister gets hold of you with her eye shadow.

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