Gold finch

Sorry to say another bird photo today . After going to check the security at work this morning I decided to go for a walk in the old quarry nearby to search out a blip before heading home. A lovely sunny day with a bit of a wind keeping it cool. Quite a few bits of wildlife around including a few butterflies which was nice to see but most of them didn't stay still . Thankfully I spotted this lovely Gold Finch sat at the top of a bush and managed just one shot before it flew off. Back home a spot of lunch and then I took a walk to my Mums to check on her and take some birdseed . When I got there she was having an afternoon nap and ended up waking her up. We had a quick chat through her open window and then I went on my way .
Back home now and indoors for the day so a spot of TV or a film later on this evening.

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