Sky art

I have a relative back in the south of Sweden, in Skåne. She is over eighty in body, fifty in mind. She is writing down her memories about her family, our  family, and is sending dates and stories and names to me because she knows I'm interested and keeps track of everything in a "family app" of good quality, I'm using "Genney" for Mac. I find it interesting but it takes a long time. All morning I was filling everything she sent me into my program. My aim is to send her a pdf-book with all the people in our family along with all the stories but I have a lot to learn before that. 

After lunch I just had to get out into the gorgeous weather and have a long walk after all that sitting down. My long walk usually stretches over eight kilometers and goes through ever changing surroundings, forest, roads, plains and paths. I thought these power cables made a nice pattern against the clear blue sky. The extra shows a contemplating moment by a forest canal.

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