Mid Life Crisis Delaying Strategy

A ride was what I needed.

There's no point letting work frustration cloud your weekend or, for that matter, your life in general.

But it does and that's as it goes.

So, as Douglas Hurd said several times yesterday, 'we are where we are.'

In other words, less self pity, more getting on with it.

A ride around Ashton Court with Phil and Geoff, out at 8.30 and back by 10.30, muddy, wind-blown and with numb toes but considerably happier.

Had that magic post ride cup of tea followed by that magic post ride cup of coffee.

A shower to make me feel normal again and then a bit of planning for next week's lessons.

Okay, so I should wash my bike, check the squealing disc brake, give it the proper service it requires, but that can all wait until after lunch.

I have to help Son #1 on a homework based on Charlotte's Web. We put in some preparation yesterday by watching the film whilst slumbering on the bed. Son #1 has some grand plans.

Still experiencing post-ride mellowness. It really is the greatest thing!

I won't check my Strava stats yet! In passing, any other Strava users out there?

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