Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

ChariTEA Time

Today was a busy one at work/the kitchen table, so as a calming break I busted out the BB8 teapot for some fancy loose leaf tea. I was genuinely surprised by how pretty this tea (Enchanted Narnia blend from Bird & Blend) is, and it was a delight! I brewed it slightly too long though as I got distracted by a spider hanging out above my work spot, so I had to break out the vacuum then clean a bit of the kitchen with it to make sure the spider was definitely sucked up in there... Next time I brew it I'll go for a minute or so less to take off the slight bitter tinge I got this time; should be a lovely Turkish Delight-esque brew then!

I tell you what, it might be mega busy and pretty stressful, but I'm so proud of the work me and the charity team (all 3 of us!) are doing at the moment. I've always been chuffed to see the difference we're making but it's more evident than ever. 

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