Paula and Caitlin

This was taken when Caitlin (great granddaughter) was about 2 and a half with Paula at Lotherton Hall, came across it today when looking at some old photo's. Caitlin is 13 now and quite the young  lady. called today for the things her mum had got me from Iceland, and she was hanging out of the bedroom window waving madly. Kirsty and I kept a good distance having a chat, it was nice to see her. I miss their visits, but I'm quite sure we all miss our relatives 

Turned out a lovely afternoon after a dull start, I managed to get the front lawn cut but couldn't be bothered with the back so that will have to do another day.

Cooked some Rhubarb ready for a pie tomorrow. Had sweet and sour (Sharwoods) with rice and pork pieces in batter (home cooked) for tea. Very nice.

That's all folks. goodnight, sleep tight.
Another day nearer the end.

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