A diary of sorts

By Tempus_Fugit


Toby sleeps in the kitchen at night. Toby would rather sleep in the living room; it has a couch. 

When his people make movements towards bedtime Toby will lay stock still and pretend to be sound asleep (his eyes being open tend to give the game away) in the hope that we will either forget he is there or take pity on him.

To encourage (i.e trick him) to head to the kitchen of his own accord we reward him with a wee something, usually from the fridge. Upon hearing the fridge door open he will spring up out of his supposed slumber and eagerly trot to to the kitchen in anticipation.

The moment after he has inhaled his tidbit you can sense his disappointment in allowing himself to be duped yet again. It has been like this for years, I thought he would never learn.

Until this week. Out of nowhere he has suddenly developed enough self control to start weighing up his options from the relative safety of the dining room. As I move the tasty treat incrementally closer to him he eventually breaks....for the moment anyway. That daft pup of mine might actually be developing dome common sense!

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