Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Where was the Gruffalo?

It was cold and grey this morning, but perked up this afternoon and I enjoyed my walk. I took the route on the road to Haughton Castle (pronounced "hoar-ton" despite out village being Humshaugh, pronounced Hums-hoff)! A lot of other people had chosen the same route, so I may give that one a miss for a while.

Don't get me wrong, it was lovely to see people and chat (in passing) but it's easier if you don't have to measure 2 metres at frequent intervals.

In the small wood where the children have outdoor school on Fridays, someone had put together a Gruffalo hunt. The mouse and the gruffalo were still in evidence but the other creatures were absent, or hiding well. It was a great idea to do this.

We watched Mary Berry doing her Easter feast tonight and particularly enjoyed seeing the Archbishop of York cooking lamb in his own kitchen using a 30 year old recipe of Mary's. He had given it his own personal twist too.

I'm going to try for an early night. Mum's alarm went off at 0519 this morning. She slept through it quite peacefully, but I woke with a start and then had difficulty sleeping again. We will both check that it is not on tonight!!

I made carrot and orange soup for lunch and shared some with Margret. This was one of my better soups - they don't all taste as good, but they are all nutritious...........

We had a coffee morning on Zoom for the camera group this morning. There was a larger attendance and it was good to see everyone. Most people look the same, but Nick has grown a beard!!

Life in the time of Covid 19
Our GP surgery has closed tonight - no warning - and will reopen as a Covid 19 testing station. We will need to go to Wark, a few miles up the road, and the prescriptions will take longer to process and supply.

We are keeping to our usual quiet routines and are not starving (although I am down to one onion......shock, horror.)

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